we are very excited to keep this baby boy out of our girl yeti and zodiak. We hope his future with us is filled with ribbons and gorgeous babies ❤️
This boy is gorgeous with great pigment, stocky legs and great personality, we are looking forward to future generations!
Our amazing Cezar came to us from Macedonia from a great breeder, Sonja Mano. His bloodlines are exceptional! He is the reason I fell in love with this breed! Amazing personality and outstanding confirmation.
Date of birth 05.10.2018
Our newest boy and future show/ breeding dog! This amazing boy came from snowlegend Samoyeds. Kind hearted boy who loves to stick by your side.
Zeus is now a Canadian Champion and working towards his Grand Championship. OFA cleared for hips and elbows.
Our boy Zodi was imported from Russia 🇷🇺 very excited to see what this boy is capable of in the show ring I have high hopes for this guy
OFA certified hips and elbows done